Great LightWORKERS

Founding of the Great White Brotherhood

In 1952, Geraldine Innocente, messenger for The Bridge to Freedom, delivered this address purported to be from Sanat Kumara describing the founding of the "Great White Brotherhood":

" ...I had nothing to work with but Light and Love, and many centuries passed before even two lifestreams applied for membership - One, later became Buddha (now, Lord of the World, the Planetary Logos Gautama Buddha) and the Other, became the Cosmic Christ (Lord Maitreya, now the Planetary Buddha). The Brotherhood has grown through these ages and centuries until almost all the offices are held now by those belonging to the evolution of Earth and those who have volunteered to remain among her evolution..."

Members of The Bridge to Freedom believe that on July 4, 1954 Sanat Kumara stated through Geraldine Innocente:

" ...Thus We took Our abode upon the sweet Earth. Through the same power of centripetal and centrifugal force of which I spoke (cohesion and expansion of the magnetic power of Divine Love), We then began to magnetize the Flame in the hearts of some of the Guardian Spirits who were not sleeping so soundly and who were not too enthusiastically engaged in using primal life for the satisfaction of the personal self.

"In this way, the Great White Brotherhood began. The Three-fold Flame within the heart of Shamballa, within the Hearts of the Kumaras and Myself, formed the magnetic Heart of the Great White Brotherhood by Whom you have all been blessed and of which Brotherhood you all aspire to become conscious members."

Regardless of their color, all of the rays have a white-fire core of purity that embodies all of the attributes of God. Each day of the week there is released to the earth a special concentration of one of the seven rainbow rays of God. As these rays enter the physical world, they become a flame, bursting with energy to ignite a world in the seven colors of the rainbow. We who would follow in the footsteps of Vishnu, Buddha, Christ, and other avatars, may meditate upon the colors of the rainbow rays of light’s perfection.

Meditation on the Rainbow Rays  

Yellow is the merging of the gold and the white, imparting illumination, the consecration of right knowledge, the service of right knowledge, the outshining of the higher mind and the establishment of the law of harmonious relations between all peoples and between God and all peoples. It is the ray of the sun sent to the earth on Sunday, the day of the sun.

Pink is the symbol of divine love. Love is joyous, buoyant and beautiful. Through the power of love, men learn how they may impart to others the beauty and the compassion they have received from God. Love is the requirement of the hour. In the giving of this charity and beauty, there is no robbery, but only the fair exchange among all souls who are ennobled by the same love that God is. Monday is the day of the week that is imbued with the creative power of love.

Blue is the flame of faith, promise, constancy, power, strength, earnestness and the will of God. It flows out of vast luminous reservoirs into the sea and sky. It is Tuesday’s blessing to the earth

The ray of green imbues all life with the perfect blend of the yellow and the blue—the faith and wisdom of God in nature. The eternal newness of the color green charges man with the healthful and health-giving chlorophyll of the sun—the fire of the sun and the fire of the power to create. The healing green restores man to the primal nature of God. The ray of green supplies man with every lack and is the color of abundance and supply. It penetrates the earth on Wednesday, the day of healing and wholeness.

The purple and the gold imbue man with the desire for cosmic service. The colors are symbolic of the priesthood of true believers. The purple speaks of the illumined fire of the soul. This fire must assist every part of life to find reunion with its Source and with the golden law that God has dispensed to men. It is the ministration of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, or Christ to their disciples, of the servant who is not greater than his Lord. This twofold action of God’s body (purple) and his essence (gold) bathes the earth on Thursday.

The white ray of purity is composed of all of the colors of the rainbow. It has its own gigantic sheath that, as a sea of liquid flame, holds before the children of men the longing to be a part of that which can never be contaminated by reason or by deceitful act. The white light is the mind of God, the nature and character of God. It is freedom from stain and blame, the triumphant merging of the many colors into the purity of the One. Friday is the day when through purity man obtains his freedom from the bonds of limitation.

The violet ray synthesizes into action the rays of love and power, the pink and the blue, forming the radiance of the violet flame. Also called the royal purple, it shows the sense of the mantle aborning within the consciousness of man. God has caressed and blessed the individual. Now that one must wear the mantle of the seventh ray, the robe of tact, diplomacy and of judgment. He must mediate as best he can for his fellow men, for those who have not yet advanced to his level of attainment. He must serve the cause of freedom and help deliver men from the bondages they themselves have created. He does not expect thanks, but holds in his grateful heart the feeling of gratitude for more service in order that tomorrow he may give in greater measure that which he has given in lesser measure today. The violet ray is amplified on Saturday—a day to pause and consider the meaning and ritual of freedom.

Discipleship Under Seven Masters of Wisdom

The seven rainbow rays present seven paths to individual self-mastery, defined as the seven archetypes of Vishnuhood, Buddhahood, or Christhood. There are seven beings who have mastered identity by walking the paths of the seven rays and now stand to help others walk these paths. These seven masters are known as the chohans of the seven rays. Chohan is a Sanskrit term for lord. The chohans define the law on their ray; through them that energy of the Higher Self and of God flows to mankind, to all who are evolving on that particular path. The chohans are the closest ascended masters to us. They function in planes of perfection, but these planes are simultaneously one with the Matter plane where we are—there is a congruency of Spirit and Matter, and time and space are but coordinates of infinity. Therefore, you could say that the chohans are here with us.

All of the chohans are teachers of mankind. Each of them opens to you a path of discipline that corresponds to the ray and chakra (spiritual center) that one represents. Let us look briefly at these seven chohans and their retreats.

El Morya, chohan of the first ray, maintains his focus of the will of God on the etheric plane concurrent with Darjeeling, India. He is the Chief of the Darjeeling Council, a council of ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood.  “Great White Brotherhood” does not refer to skin color or to gender.  Rather, these are the male and female beings who are surrounded by white light in their auras.

Lanto is the lord of the second ray, the yellow ray of illumination.  He was embodied in ancient China as the Duke of Chou, also known as the Yellow Emperor of the twelfth century BC.  He serves now in the Royal Teton Retreat over the Grand Teton Mountains, USA. He is especially concerned with the education of the youth of the world.

Paul the Venetian is chohan of the third ray of divine love, the pink flame. He is the hierarch at the Château de Liberté in southern France. He sponsors the ascended master culture for this age and works with all who desire to bring that culture forth on behalf of mankind.

Next we come to the great disciplinarian, Serapis Bey, chohan of the fourth ray which is white. Serapis maintains the focus of the Ascension Temple at Luxor in Egypt. This is the place where candidates for the ascension are received, and it is considered the most difficult retreat to enter. Serapis Bey is the teacher of the path to the ascension.

Hilarion is the chohan of the fifth ray, the green ray of precipitation and truth. He was embodied as the apostle Paul. He maintains the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane over the island of Crete, in Greece. He works especially with atheists, agnostics, skeptics and others who have become disillusioned with life and with religion

The sixth ray of ministration and peace is presided over by Nada as chohan. The flame of the sixth ray is purple, the color of violets, flecked with metallic gold. Nada’s retreat is over Saudi Arabia.

Saint Germain, chohan of the seventh ray, holds a very important position in hierarchy in this age. Not only is he the chohan of the seventh ray of freedom, mercy, transmutation and ritual, but he is also the hierarch of the Aquarian age. The pulsations of the violet flame can be felt from his etheric retreat over the Carpathian foothills in Romania and from the Cave of Symbols in the United States

The offices of the seven chohans of the rays are divinely appointed by the cosmic hierarchy. Those who hold these offices are selected from among the most qualified ascended beings who have risen from earth’s schoolroom. Each one has attained self-mastery and won the ascension by serving humanity on one or more of the seven rays through their embodiments in the world of form.

The chohan for each ray is responsible for the administration to mankind of all the aspects of their ray, while harmonizing their administration with the other six rays of the white light. The chohans always obey cosmic law; yet they are given certain latitude in keeping with their own individual evolution, capacities and endowments to direct mankind in the most adroit manner, giving loving assistance and spiritual direction as needed. Legions of angelic hosts and ascended brethren serve with them to carry out the plan of the Great White Brotherhood for the most complete expression of the seven rays that is possible.

Mankind are keyed to certain rays in order that they may perform a specific service to God and man. Each of us “majors” on a particular ray, and we also have a “minor” ray on which we serve. Our ray may vary from one embodiment to the next, but the reward for service is cumulative, and thus powerful momentums may be retained from our past service on several or all of the rays. A balance of attainment on all of the seven rays is a requirement for the ascension and the mark of the golden-age man.

The services of the seven chohans impact all who work in the world whatever their level of service: statesmen, leaders and organizers are on the first ray under El Morya; teachers, philosophers and educators serve on the second ray under Lanto; artists, designers, beauticians and those of a creative nature serve on the third ray under Paul the Venetian; architects, planners and those dedicated to the purity and discipline of any undertaking serve with Serapis Bey on the fourth ray; doctors, scientists, healers, musicians, mathematicians and those consecrated to truth serve on the fifth ray with Hilarion; ministers, nurses and all who administer to mankind’s needs assist Nada on the sixth ray; diplomats, priests of the sacred fire, actors, writers and defenders of freedom serve with Saint Germain on the seventh ray.

If we lack one of these godly attributes and want to make progress on a particular path back to God, we can pray to our God Presence, our own Holy Vishnu Self, Holy Buddha Self, or Holy Christ Self and the chohan of that ray for those qualities we want to see manifest in us. For example, we can pray to Paul the Venetian to assist us to develop more love in our life and to understand the true meaning of divine love so that we can better serve mankind.


"The Music List below was created by the Ascended Masters Study Group at Summit Lighthouse Minnesota USA, based on the teachings of the Ascended Masters.

These songs help a lot in raising the energies of each of the 7 chakras and your home as well. When we play the keynote of an Ascended Master, it magnetizes His Presence among us. Always before a ritual, put one of these songs while meditating or talking to your favorite master, in front of the altar. Included the names of the composers of each song."

— Paulo R. Simões


God of Divine Order - Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni: Adagio

Surya - Aloha Oe

Hercules - Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

Blue Ray - Ludwig van Beethoven: The Heavens Are Sounding

Himalaya - Georges Bizet: Intermezzo from Carmen

Blue Ray - Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 9

Saint Michael - John Bacchus Dykes: Eternal Father

Master Godfre - Sir Edward Elgar: Nimrod Variation

Master El Morya - Sir Edward Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance March #1

Temple of the Divine Will - César Franck: Panis Angelicus

St. Michael's Retreat in Banff - Charles Gounod: Solidier’s Chorus

Salamanders and Sylphs- Edvard Grieg: Anitra’s Dance

Gnomes - Edvard Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King

Creation of the Universe - Aram Khachaturian: Adagio from Spartacus

Divine Direction - Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #15

Blue Ray - Ottorino Respighi: Saint Michael, Archangel

Darjeeling's Council - Rimsky Korsakoff: Song of India

Blue Ray - Jean Sibelius: Karelia Suite (Intermezzo)

Blue Ray - Bedřich Smetana: Die Moldau

Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) - John Philip Sousa: Semper Fidelis

Archangels Retreat - Richard Wagner: Bridal Chorus

Blue Ray - Richard Wagner: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla


Gautama Buda - Ludwig van Beethoven: Ode to Joy

Shamballa - Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (5th Movement)

Victory - Ludwig van Beethoven: Victory Symphony

Liberty - Hector Berlioz: La Marseillaise

Kuthumi - Amy Woodforde-Finden: Kashmiri Song

Divine Mother - Stephen Foster: Beautiful Dreamer

Causal Body of Messengers - César Franck: All Music

Illumination Ray - Reinhold Glière: Dance of the Golden Fingers

Illumination Ray  - Edvard Grieg: Dawn

Lord Maitreya - Victor Herbert: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life

Helios - Carl Nielsen: Helios Overture

Illumination Ray - Johann Pachelbel: Gigue

Illumination Ray - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) - Giacomo Puccini: Un Bel Di Vedremo

Golden Lotus Temple - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Invisible City of Kitezh

Lake Titicaca - Sigmund Romberg: Golden Days

Lanello - Ralph Vaughan Williams: Greensleeves

Confucio - Ralph Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending

Grand Tetons - Richard Wagner: Evening Star


Djwal Kul - Johann Sebastian Bach: Air on a G String

Love Ray - Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin: Polvestian Dances

Temple of the Heart - Frédéric Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1

Twin Flames - Rudolf Friml: Indian Love Call

Holy Spirit - Homing: At Dawning

Love Ray - Fritz Kreisler: Caprice Viennois

Anahata (Heart Chakra) - Franz Lehár: Yours Is My Heart Alone

Love Ray- Pietro Mascagni: The Lord Now Victorious from Cavalleria

Love Ray - Giacomo Puccini: Intermezzo from Suor Angelica

Love Ray - Giacomo Puccini: Musette Waltz

Mistress Venus - Sergei Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 (3rd Movement)

Love Ray - Camille Saint-Saëns: The Swan

Sanat Kumara - Jean Sibelius: Finlandia

Orion - Jean Sibelius: Symphony No. 2

Twin Flames Union - Richard Wagner: Isolde’s Transfiguration


Meditation on the Immaculate Conception -  Adolphe Adam: O Holy Night

Great Central Sun - Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

Alpha and Omega Energies - Ludwig van Beethoven: Leonore No. 3

Elohim / Initiations on the Path - Ludwig van Beethoven: Nine Symphonies

Flame of Purity - Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 (3rd Movement)

Muladhara (Root Chakra) - Charles Gounod: Angel’s Chorus

Elohim Astrea - Edvard Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor

Central Temple of the Ascension Flame - Franz Liszt: Benediction of God in the Solititude

Meditação na Presença EU SOU - Franz Liszt: Christus

Chama da Pureza - Franz Liszt: Faust Symphony (2nd Movement)

Rapido Elevar do Kundalini - Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

Templo de Luxor - Franz Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3

Gentil Elevar do Kundalini - Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 5: Adagietto

Arcanjo Gabriel - Pietro Mascagni: Intermezzo

Serafim - Anton Rubinstein: Angelique Reve

Raio Mãe - Franz Schubert: Ave Maria

Zaratustra - Franz Schubert: Symphony No. 9

Deus Harmonia - Giuseppe Verdi: Anvil Chorus

Mestre Serapis Bey - Giuseppe Verdi: Celeste Aida

Chama da Ascensão - Giuseppe Verdi: Triumphal Scene

Chama da Pureza - Richard Wagner: Fest March

Templo da Esperança - Richard Wagner: Parsifal Prelude Act 1


Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Ludwig van Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Vincent d'Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - César Franck: Prelude, Choral and Fugue

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Mikhail Glinka: Variations on a Theme by Mozart

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Franz Liszt: Un Sospiro

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Richard Wagner: Tannhauser Overture

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca

Raio da Cura e da Verdade - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante

Chakra da Terceira Visão - Sergei Rachmaninoff: 2nd Piano Concerto

Mestre Hilarion - Sir Arthur Sullivan: Onward Christian Soldiers

Mestra Leto - Frederick Loewe: Heather on the Hill


Chama da Paz - Johann Sebastian Bach: Come Sweet Death

Chama da Paz - Adolphe Adam: The Holy City

Chama da Paz - William Byrd: Pavane for the Earle of Salisbury

Chama da Paz - Anonimo, popularizada por Henry Burleigh: Deep River

Chama da Paz - Frederick Delius: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring

Chama da Paz - Christoph Willibald Gluck: Dance of the Blessed Spirits

Chama da Paz - Englebert Humperdink: Children’s Prayer

Chama da Paz - Oscar Nathan Straus: My Hero from The Chocolate Soldier

Chama da Paz - Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky: Amen from Peter Noster

Chama da Paz - Giuseppe Verdi: Laudi Alla Vergine Maria

Amaryllis - Anonymous: Londonderry Air

Templo da Ressurreição - Johann Sebastian Bach: Sleepers Awake

Templo da Ressurreição - Édouard Batiste: Pilgrim’s Song of Hope

Mestra Clare Louise - Carl Bohm: Calm as the Night

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Arrigo Boito: Prologue in Heaven from Mefistofele

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Léo Delibes: Coppelia Suite

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Felix Mendelssohn: Spring Song

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Antonio Vivaldi: "Spring" from Four Seasons

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Richard Wagner: Parsifal

Meditação na Chama da Ressurreição - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Russian Easter Overture

Arcanjo Uriel - Johannes Brahms: Lullaby

Mestre Jesus - Georg Friedrich Händel: Joy to the World

Mestra Nada - Ruggero Leoncavallo: Mattinata

Chama da Ressurreição - Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 2

Retiro Eriel para Crianças - Edward Alexander MacDowell: To a Wild Rose

Chama da Paz - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Laudate Dominum

Anjo da Restauração - Ivor Novello: Rose of England

Elohim Paz e Aloha - Sergei Rachmaninoff: 18th Variation

Chakra do Plexo Solar - Sigmund Romberg: One Alone



Chama Violeta - Anton Bruckner: Syphony No. 7

Chama Violeta - Alan Hovhaness: Mysterious Mountain

Chama Violeta - Johann Strauss II (Jr.): Tritsch: Tratsch Polka

Chama Violeta - Johann Strauss II (Jr.): Voices of Spring

Chama Violeta - Sergei Prokofiev: Classical Symphony

Chama Violeta - Johann Strauss I: Der Rosenkavalier Watzes

Chama Violeta - Ottorino Respighi: St. Gregory the Great

Chama Violeta - Joaquín Rodrigo: Concierto Aranjuez (Adagio)

Chama Violeta - Robert Schumann: Symphony No. 4

Chama Violeta - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Trepak from Nutcracker

Chakra da Alma - Johann Strauss II (Jr.): Blue Danube

Chama Violeta - Richard Wagner: Ride of the Valkries

Hierarquia de Aquário - Felix Mendelssohn: War March of the Priests

Mansão de Rokoczy - Johann Strauss II (Jr.): Tales from Vienna Woods

Master Portia - Johann Strauss II (Jr.): Radetzky March

Arcanjo Zakiel - Richard Wagner: Magic Fire Music
